Wednesday, November 26, 2008

RSG:Trial Prep

Trial of Chairman Mao: Witness Question Sheet
Directions: You as a witness are to write four questions and answers in the perspective of your character using the book as a reference. You should find passages from the novel in support of Chairman Mao OR evidence against him depending the side of the case you are representing. Remember to USE page numbers and POST these questions on your blog. Lawyers, use this document to create cross-examination questions. Two per character should be sufficient. 

Character: Mao 
Student Name: Ook 

1. Question: Why did you come up with communism?

Answer: Communism means political equality for everybody. Women had no rights at all, but because of communism and me, it helped them have more rights and made them equal to men. Everyone was treated equally. (History of China DVD)

2. Question: Did people think you were doing the right thing?

Answer: Yes, they thought that whatever I said, they were doing the right thing. I was like a god to them. (History of China DVD)

3. Question: Did people protect you and will strike your enemies?

Answer: Yes, people protected me and they did say that they will strike my enemies. (pg 535 Mao The Unknown Story Book)

4. Question: Do people think your quotes are important?

Answer: I know that the little book that has my quotes are very precious to people in China because people in Ji-Li's school when they do the daily exercises, someone said to take out the precious little red book. Also people think my quotes are important because Chairman Jin told Ji-Li to add my quote at the end of her presentation. (pg 166, 222 Red Scarf Girl)

5. Question: Why did you think of doing a revolution party?

Answer: If there is revolution, there must be a revolution party. (pg 3 Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Flex Day Field Trip

October 12, 2008 Flex day

Garment Factory Questions

1. Name one idea you have after this visit that connects to the idea of using resources!
2. Name one idea you have after this visit that relates to the word 'population'.
3. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the top score, how would you rate the quality of the work environment you saw here, and why?
4. What does the word 'export' have to do with today's visit?
5. What do you think the level of safety is here? What makes you think this?
6. How old do you think the workers here are, on average?
7. What is one question you still have about the garment industry here in Bangladesh?
8. What types of issues does this factory cause or help solve in terms of resources here in Bangladesh?
9. What might you say about economic issues based on today's visit?

Do you think the products being manufactured here help or hurt

Answer one of the above questions and add two points of observation or reflection from the day about the two places we visited (Sterling Styles factory and Up2Date apparel office). Also you can compose a question that you may have from our flex day adventures. You should post these three items on your blog page.
1) answer a question 2) make two observations or reflections (or write your own questions that you may have) Three things in total!

Answer to Question 6:
The workers in the Sterling Styles factory in average are 18 years old.

An observation I made was that the workers in the Sterling Styles factory had no shoes on and had masks to prevent from breathing bad air and to not spread germs. But they had good machineries they can use to be more safe and it lead to a more advanced technology. I thought that going to the Sterling Styles factory was a great experience to me to see how cloths were made and where they send the cloths to.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Elliot's Expose

Blog response instructions:
• Answer the questions in complete sentences and use proper English (restrain from using MSN chat style of writing).
• Use evidence from the novel to support your answer and include page numbers.
• When commenting to your peers, be respectful in your language and about their responses. It is okay to disagree, but do it in a polite manner.

When Elliot writes about his experience with the Jock Rots and sends it out over the KidNet, he includes the following quote in his letter.

"I think people ought to realize that stuff like this goes on every day…The rest of you are all part of it-because you let it go on and maybe you think it's funny, or you think it only happens to geeky outsiders and kids who are smaller or fatter or skinnier or don't have so many friends or so much money as you. So tell me-what happens when you don't have so many friends one day, or you don't have so much money, or something bad happens to you?" (91-92)

Blog Question:What is the message is he trying to get across to his classmates? (6pts)Two Peer Responses (4 pts)

The message Elliot's trying to get across to his classmates is that you should not just let the bullies bully you. You should try to do things like saying to them that bullying isn't good, and you should stop bullying people including me. Then it might work a little bit, but if you don't do anything about the bullying incidents then bullying could increase even more.

For example on page 92 Elliot sends the message to everyone after the bullying incident with the Jock Rots in The Revealers and it says you shouldn't let the bullying incidents happen. You should do something to stop people from bullying people.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Blog:Role Reversal

• Answer the questions in complete sentences and use proper English (restrain from using MSN chat style of writing).

• Use evidence from the novel to support your answer and include page numbers.

• When commenting to your peers, be respectful in your language and about their responses. It is okay to disagree, but do it in a polite manner.

Blog Question: After the Bully Lab was renamed, the Revealers, and the stories of the three Darkland students were released and well received by the student body, Elliot wanted to publish Russell’s narrative about Richie punching Russell in the face.
1) Why was Russell so opposed to the idea (pg. 110)? Explain. (4 pts)
2) What is happening to the relationship between Russell and Richie. (3 pts)
3) Two Peer Comments (4 pts each)

Blog Answer:
1) Russell was opposed to the idea of sending e-mail through kid net about Richie and Russell, and about him asking why and how he terrorizes people because he thinks that Richie is going to be friendly to him. The reason Russell thinks Richie is being friendly to him is because on pages 95 ~ 99 when The Rots were bullying Russell Richie came and helped Russell.

2) The relationship between Russell and Richie is becoming like a king and servant kind of relationship, where the king orders the servant to do things. It is because on pages 141-143 Richie tells Russell in the boiler room to never ask him stupid questions like why are you piking on kids and when Russell said Richie's dad is from Hell he got angry and said you should take that back and never say that to me.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

hello people in the world that might know me or not!

Hi i am Ook am from South Korea and i live in Bangladesh. I have friends that i play sports with.